More than one hundred area nursing facility administrators, practitioners, caregivers, and others who work with seniors will receive training at the 31st annual REACH Conference (Regional Education on Aging, Caregiving, and Healthcare) next week. The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) hosts the annual conference to provide educational workshops, plenary sessions, and networking opportunities. This year's conference will be held at Maude Cobb in Longview on October 5-6 and is ideal for professionals or caregivers serving older adults and persons with disabilities.
"We are thrilled to be approaching our 31st annual REACH Conference. Caring for our elders can be challenging, especially when we don't know what to do. At the AAA, we want to help all generations of caregivers through their challenges so they may also experience the sweet gifts of serving their loved ones. The work these professionals do daily in their communities serving and protecting East Texas seniors is immensely important. The Aging Network must work together to safeguard the well-being and health of our seniors seeking help," said AAA Director Colleen Halliburton.
Special keynote presentations include:
What part does truth play in business as usual/unusual?
Bonnie Estes, private practice therapist
Who decides what the truth is for your client? How does the client's welfare hold up when your client's perception of truth differs from yours? Questions involving the ethics of caregiving will be examined through codes of ethic samples and situational experiences.
And so it begins...
AAA Staff and REACH planning committee members
The top 10 reasons to live in sin
John Ross IV - senior partner of Ross & Shoalmire, LLP Elder Law Firm
Published at the University of Texas by Mr. Ross, let's hear the top 10 REASONS why seniors should not get remarried later in life.
Making magic: Strategies for creativity and innovation from Disney-Pixar
Scott Abel, author and public speaker
As change and disruption continue to be the new normal, what worked yesterday will not work today. Now more than ever, organizations must create a culture where creativity and innovation can thrive - or face becoming irrelevant. This session will highlight specific Disney and Pixar practices that have enabled them to move far beyond simple adaption and into the realm of creating magic at work.
This conference provides an opportunity to obtain Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) for ethics, social work, Licensed Professional Counselors, Activity Directors, and Long-Term Care Administrators. REACH is partially funded by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. To register for the event or for more information, call the Area Agency on Aging of East Texas at (903) 218-6500 or visit our conference website at